For referring providers:
Please fax a referral with your latest clinic note, reports of any neuroimaging of the brain, and patient demographic information to us at (303) 499-2635. We will update you when we have your patient scheduled.
For patients:
We require a referral from a treating provider, such as a neurologist, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist, or primary care physician. Once the referral has been made, please call the office at (720) 508-3518 to schedule an appointment.
Would You Like Us to Contact You?
Please submit the following form and we will call you back within two business days.
For attorneys:
Drs. Geiger and Richards offer forensic services for civil cases in which there is a need to determine the extent or permanency of cognitive impairments. To inquire about scheduling a forensic appointment, please contact the clinic at (720) 508-3518.