by jgeiger | Jun 9, 2020 | Dr. Stabler
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our normal way of life in more ways than one can count. Businesses have been shuttered, leaving millions of Americans unemployed, and many others having to transition their careers to home in ways they could have never conceived.... by jgeiger | Jun 9, 2020 | Dr. Geiger
Our response to the coronavirus pandemic is informed by the guidance of official bodies including the State of Colorado and the CDC. We are still all safer at home, so we are encouraging telehealth visits for most individuals. In-office appointments are made on a case... by jgeiger | Nov 19, 2019 | Dr. Stabler
Hello everyone! I’m Dr. Anthony Stabler, the latest addition to the growing and thriving practice here at Community Neuropsychology in Louisville. It’s nice to meet you all! I feel so welcomed here in Colorado. Here’s an obligatory bit about myself. I completed my... by jgeiger | Aug 13, 2019 | Guest
Guest blogger Jane Sutliff, Ph.D., specializes in cognitive behavioral approaches to treatment. She has been in independent practice since 2001. Her office is located in Louisville. For more information about Dr. Sutliff including her contact information go to:... by jgeiger | Jun 4, 2019 | Dr. Geiger
It’s June already! That means it’s Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. As with most things, early detection is key. Here are some great reasons to get checked if there are memory concerns that impair daily life activities:... by jgeiger | May 10, 2019 | Guest
The 4 Concussion Myths Every Athlete Needs to Know It is really hard as an athlete to know what to think when you hear “concussion.” What words come to mind? What do you feel? Fear? Do you fear the diagnosis? The consequence of the diagnosis?... by jgeiger | Apr 30, 2019 | Dr. Geiger
Every year the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging hosts a free symposium for caregivers. There are a lot of great talks this year, as well as the usual fabulous lineup of great exhibitors. Community Neuropsychology is sponsoring a table. We’re looking forward... by jgeiger | Mar 22, 2019 | Dr. Geiger
Here is an interesting question to accompany your spring cleaning: Are you doing things that are meaningful to you and that sit well with your goals and your sense of purpose? If not, that could be contributing to your stress level. Some stressors come from... by jgeiger | Feb 20, 2019 | Dr. Geiger
“Wow,” someone recently commented, “you have a hard job.” The person was referring to the trauma stories I get told, I suppose, or the heart wrenching difficulty of informing a family that their loved one has a probable Alzheimer’s... by jgeiger | Feb 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Community Neuropsychology, P.C. has an opening for a full-time clinical neuropsychologist in Louisville, Colorado. Consistently named one of Money Magazine’s “Best Places to Live” and one of Family Circle’s “10 Best Towns for Families in the U.S.,” Louisville is...