8 myths about neuropsychological testing

People need to be at least 6 months post injury or acute illness before they should be tested. This is the worst of all the myths! I have seen patients acutely (like in the emergency department), and in all phases of their recovery. Please, if a neuropsychological...

Guest blogger Mark Babcock on posttraumatic growth

Mark Babcock, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker. Throughout the past 25 years Mark has specialized in counseling people with mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), and post-traumatic stress. Mark works at the Marcus Institute for Brain Health (MIBH) at the...

The Importance of Sleep

We spend about a third of our lives asleep, but very little is known about this mysterious activity. Nature would not dedicate such a large percentage of our life to something that is not somehow immensely important. The more science discovers about sleep, the more...

Guest blogger Alan Zacharias, M.D., on headaches

This week’s guest blogger, Alan Zacharias, M.D., is one of five neurologists affiliated with Boulder Community Health. Click here for more about Dr. Zacharias and Associated Neurologists. Hi there, I am a neurologist in Boulder and frequently see and treat...

Learning and memory

Learning and memory is one of my favorite topics in neuroscience and today I get to write a blog about it. Hooray! Let’s start with some definitions. Learning is defined as the process by which an experience changes our nervous system and behavior, and we refer to...

Being open to connection

Over the weekend I was reminded of an ancient word, ephphatha, which is usually translated as “to be opened,” as in to be opened to an experience. Another translation, “to be open to connection,” resonated with me because it summarizes my hope for Community...

Alzheimer’s Essentials: Socializing for Support

 Guest blogger Ralph Patrick is the Boulder County Regional Director for the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado.  There are four key components for living well with dementia;  Diet, Exercise, Cognitive Stimulation, and Socialization.  Far too frequently this...